Saturday afternoon at the salvage yard

I went exploring Statewide Salvage on my Saturday early-afternoon. I was auspiciously pricing up louvred wardrobe doors (the sort they use on built ins in the 70’s and 80s) but also to have an explore of what’s on offer.

I found my doors and priced them up, now to return with DIY Dad for a reality check and to borrow his tape measure. I have a brilliant idea for the 3rd bedroom…

Enjoy the pics below, some beautiful bits of houses there just waiting to be adopted and reused:

Going (veranda) postal

A triangle of doors.
Filing doors
Wrong era, but I still want a m*therf*ckin t*rret on top of my house.
Let me get the door for you…
The forklifts were slacking off on Saturday, lazy little forkerlifts!
Small window, big view.
Diamond panes are a girl’s best friend
That’s finial!

I see a red door and I want it painted…grey

I managed to fit in another couple of coats to the studio skirting boards before company arrived on Friday night:

All the mess is out of frame to the left...
Don't worry, all the mess is still's just out of frame to the left...

And then I managed to do another coat on the window surrounds and the window itself on Saturday before more company came (this company thing is getting out of hand); so the studio is preciously near finished:

Fatso the wondercat is either supervising her slave or planning her escape from Azkhaban...sometimes it is hard to tell
Fatso the wondercat is either supervising her slave or planning her escape from Azkhaban...sometimes it is hard to tell

Now the skirt boards are full done and I have to wait till a fine / non rainy day to finish the window,  I moved all the furniture into its final destination (for now anyway):

Dammit big easel, stop trying to run away from the canvases! Holding them is meant to be your job!
Dammit big easel, stop trying to run away from the canvases! Holding them is meant to be your job!

Which is quite satisfying:

One more coat and I am outta here....
One more coat and I am outta here....

It even housed its very first guest, in a very sozzled Coffee Fairy on Saturday night (…that would be the Coffee Fairy who may have rechristened herself the Happs Fuschia Fairy quite by accident…or design…or accident…or conspicuous consumption…or something).


I’ve been quietly chipping away at the studio, in addition to collecting magnets as part of outskirts – nothing like home decoration on the cheap!

So I am slowly, but surely turning this:

it's like all my creative pursuits exploded over the one room
it's like all my creative pursuits exploded over the one room

Into a room that I can a) get into; b) paint and create stuff in and c) store drunken house guests in need of a sleep over.

As you can see, at the moment I can’t even get into the room to do a) and b) and c) could result in some injured friends (on the plus side, if they are drunk enough then they are unlikely to feel their injury let alone remember it…)

The start of the process was to scooch into the limited real estate behind the expedit and paint the skirtings.

Given the small space left behind the expedit, that part of the experience was a little bit The Great Escape-ish only without the prison camp guards, scoops of dirt, disguised entrance and the other POWs:

Ok - where's my steve mcqueen?
Ok - where's my steve mcqueen?

Once the skirtings were dry,  DIY Dad had to help me move the expedit back to the wall:

Still no steve mcqueen...what could possibly be keeping him?
Still no steve mcqueen...what could possibly be keeping him?

So that I could then put all my unfinished canvases against the wall and rearrange the rest of the room so that I could get to the skirtings on the other side of the room:

Unfinished canvas classification system being developed
Unfinished canvas classification system being developed

It turns out I have alot of unfinished canvases atm:

Maybe steve is behind the canvases?
Maybe steve is behind the canvases?

DIY Dad is currently over my house taking the handle off the door of the studio-slash-guest room so that I can paint the other side of the room.

Once that is done, I can set up the studio and then move onto sorting out the office:

All it needs is a little organisation and alot of storage
All it needs is a little organisation and alot of storage

Removalista chic

A major part of Saturday was the moving of my bed, washing machine, sofa, futon sofa, buffet and chest from DIY Dad’s to chez moi.

Myself, the Coffee Fairy and DIY Dad were the major characters in this drama, with supporting roles played admirably by a rental trailer, DIY Dad’s car and a huge roll of plastic.

There were a couple of minor tragedies on the day:

  • DIY Dad clocked himself on the trailer’s catch, taking a large chunk of his forehead out (OUCHIE).
  • The Coffee Fairy learnt about the importance of wearing closed in shoes when moving, when a large item was firmly (but accidentally) rested on her little toesies

Apart from these mishaps, the ever-present threat of rain and the difficult of shifting large, ungainly items; everything went smoothly with the futon sofa now in the 3rd bed (guest room):

Work in progress....
Work in progress....

And my bed installed into my bedroom:

This picture would have looked so much better if I had remembered to bring the bedding
This picture would have looked so much better if I had remembered to bring the bedding

So the futon’s in the guest room, the bed’s in my bedroom and all’s right in the world…